Contact Us

Yoooo, this is the contact page.

If you have any questions about the series, don't hesitate to send us an email and mention in your subject line that this is a question pertaining to whatever it is your question is about. We'd prefer you send your questions about the book or the series to our email instead of KSW. They're more likely to be answered that way.

If you are a book review blogger on Blogspot, Wordpress, Tumblr, Goodreads, etc., and you'd like to request a copy, we're absolutely honored to send you one ASAP. But, please note, we're poor and we're largely only able to send you a Mobi, Epub, or PDF format. We'll agree to send a paperback only on a limited basis (such as if you have a large following and you can promise to have it at the top of your reading list) since it eats into food money. We love reviews, and we'd love if reviews could be sustenance, but alas.

Here's our email:

keyboardsmashwriters (at) gmail (dot) com

Per the usual protocol, replace the @ and period accordingly, and please refrain from offering Viagra or Cyalis. There's not much we can do with that except stare at it in wonder. 

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